How much do you charge for half page ad for recruiting candidates, in Malayala Manorama?

Answer: is an online advertisement booking agency where the rates of placing an ad varies with the choice of ad type, category, edition, size and the newspaper.

Your ad category is a recruitment ad for which you need to visit our page on Malayalam Manorama Display Ad Rates. To know the charge for a half page ad, specify the ad size as Half Page (33cm x 25cm). Here you can view the total costs for placing your ads in individual editions. You can also view the discount packages that are displayed right below the rates for individual editions.

If you want to keep it a low budget investment, it is always wise to book the ad with the discount packages as you can book ads for multiple editions at a comparatively lower price value.

To view the rates for Recruitment Ads, please visit Malayala Manorama Recruitment Ad Rates page. You can always refer to our Online Booking Tutorial Page to understand our booking process and then book your ad with us. 

Related to: Malayala Manorama, Recruitment, Rate Post date: 10/05/2014 - 11:47AM